Smart Keys/Fobs

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Smart Key Systems

As technology advances, so do car keys. Fobs and smart keys have been around for some time now. However, they have presented new challenges for locksmiths. My Locksmith has effortlessly hurdled over the obstacles presented by new keys. In fact, we have leaned into the new locksmith technology because it improves security on so many levels.

The smart key technology was patented in 1997 and was first introduced by Mercedes-Benz. From there, the technology has received many upgrades and has finally become widely used in numerous makes and models. The smart key is an electronic authorization system for your car. Smart keys are also known as proximity keys.

With a smart key, you do not press a button or turn a key. Simply walk up to your vehicle and pull the handle. The vehicle’s many antennas recognize the key. A radio signal is sent to the key housing, and the door is unlocked without any effort. These types of vehicles can also start with a turn of the ignition. Instead, the car detects the smart key, and drivers can push the ignition button.

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smart key

Car Key Fobs

My Locksmith is capable of servicing smart keys and fobs. These two types of vehicle keys are the most common and are easily serviceable by our team of technicians. If you lost your key or want a spare, then our team can help you. If your Fobs has lost its battery life, then we can replace that as well.

Fobs work similarly to an old-fashioned key, but electronically. Once you are near the vehicle, you press the unlock or lock button, which sends a short radio signal to the car. The radio signal is coded, and the codes are typically rotated out, so car thieves cannot duplicate the key every time.

Let Us Replace Your Keys

If you have lost your keys and are needing into your car, then give My Locksmith a call today. You can reach our emergency services by calling (866) 715-8771. Clients won’t have to wait long or spend a lot of money on a towing truck. They will find relief in knowing our team is one the way.

smart key